Wednesday, March 3, 2010

March 2010

Your two front teeth are coming in. Now you have four on top and two on the bottom.

You stood on your own for somewhere between 10 and 15 seconds. You did this completely out of the blue, and I don't think you even realized you were doing it. I wonder if you will be like me one day. If I try to do something and I think about it before hand, I will almost always over-think it and flub up. If I just let it happen, things go so much better.

You have gotten fantastically good at putting food, and anything else that can fit, into your mouth. I need one of those shoulder pack vacuum cleaners to keep the floor clean.

yay! You figured out how to get to the sitting position from your belly. Very convenient skill.

Play time is starting to get fun! It's not all just putting stuff in your mouth anymore. You are batting and chasing balls, pulling strings on toys that have a pull string, and moving beads along a track. You are also starting to participate in group play at the library story hour!

I laid you in bed this evening, and you were still awake. I told you I loved you, caressed your head and walked out of the room, closing the door behind me. You didn't cry, or make a peep. This is a BIG DEAL. :)

It's your 10 month birthday, and you have another tooth pushing through on the bottom, and it looks like 4-5 are just about ready. Whew! Sore Mouth!

You kiss everything that you are fond of. People, photos, books, stuffed animals, blankets...

It finally happened. You crawled off the bed. :(

You understand me when I call you and say "Molly, come here!" And you can find me if I'm in a different room.

You have figured out that it means when we go the the YMCA and I give you to the ladies at the daycare, and you really don't like it.

You really like to rearrange the furniture, pushing chairs around the rooms.

You are sleeping through the night again. I'm so very glad!!


Anonymous said...

How exciting that she is standing from time to time without even realizing what she is doing! I cannot believe how quickly she is growing and changing... I really miss her!

Michele said...

We miss you guys too, Nicole! It's so hard to believe how much she has grown and developed in just 4 months!!