Wednesday, January 12, 2011

January 2011

You are developing by leaps and bounds!

You're starting to climb stools and chairs. You've been doing stairs for a while now. I haven't seen you try to hike a leg over your crib yet, but you are going up on your tippy toes to lean over the edge.

You insist on drinking from a cup this month.

You are running around the house, and you love to summersault.

You had a cold almost the full month of December, and consequently learned how to blow your nose.

You have learned the concept of "on" and "off" and continually report on the status of electrical items. "TV off!"

Your vocabulary has hit the turbo button. Yesterday we went walking in the snow and ice and you were saying "Careful. Slippery." You are very good at asking for "More", both with words and sign language. And you are starting to say "Please." on a regular basis.

Your favorite character is Elmo, pronounced "Melmo."

You have figured out that Mama likes to bake and that if she's messing with the mixer, you need to have a taste.

You want your own computer.

The name for the camera is "cheese!"

You snuggle with your Daddy while watching movies.

You are pointing out family members and calling them by name in photos.

You are CRAZY independent. You want to do it yourself, don't help, don't touch, don't hover. And you can throw me a look that rivals a teenager.

You have decided that you like the look of hair accessories, including hats. You will leave them in your hair or on your head for extended periods of time, especially if you have gotten to check yourself out in the mirror and deemed yourself cute.

It's almost time for your first haircut, but not yet. I am not looking forward to trimming those sweet curls.

You went down a slide head first with no fear.

You have three boyfriends (Nate, Sam and Ben) that you go to story time with at the mall. You hold their hands when we walk to the play area and they share their french fries with you at lunch.

You went through a phase where you would not allow me to read you a book. I would get one sentence in and you would try to snatch it from my hands. That seems to have passed, and you are again backing up with your bum sticking out to sit in my lap and enjoy a book.

You have started to tell me when you have a dirty diaper, and you are busy taking off a diaper that I just put on you. I'm taking these as good signs that you may be ready to potty train soon. yay!

You are going through a phase where you scream, loudly and high pitched, your frustrations. We are encouraging you to use your words. :/

You have discovered a love of coloring. You can ask for paper and colors, and you hardly ever eat the crayons anymore.