Thursday, February 18, 2010

February 2010

You blew bubbles in the water during bath.

You decided to crawl like a bear today, on your hands and feet with your bum in the air.

You took your first course of antibiotics.

You are cruising along the furniture and with the support of a walker.

You ate your first spaghetti dinner! And subsequently, threw your first bowl of spaghetti on the floor. You loved it honey, you were just full.

You initiated a nose rub!

You've started to mimic sounds and faces. Monkey see monkey do!

You met your Great-Grandaddy Joyce. He thought you were beautiful.

You said "Mamamamamama!" yeah, yeah, you'd already been saying "Dadadadada" for a while, but I've been waiting for this one for a while!

You are starting to feed yourself, both with your fingers and with a spoon.

Daddy taught you how to jump on the bed.

Wholly crap, you climbed the stairs.

January, 2010

We went to Books and Babies for our first play date. You crawled one week later after seeing the other babies scooting around.

You saw your first snow. You made a snow angel and went sledding with your grandparents.

You took a bath in the big tub, and loved it, of course.

You had your first head cold.